Our Process
It is our responsibility to make the path from start to finish straightforward. You deserve to understand the process and what to expect along the way. Our job is to make sure the surprises are good ones. The first questions our clients often ask are, “What can we accomplish with our budget?” and “How long will it take?” We love answering those questions. To get the answers, we work together to define the most authentic manifestation of your vision, and then create a careful and efficient plan to complete it. We don’t guess. We do the hard work of getting it right and the care we put in along the way is reflected in the finished project.
Phase 1: Predesign
We get to know you, your story, and your vision.
Phase 2: Schematic Design
We break the design project into manageable pieces.
Phase 3: Design Development
We make sure the design works with necessary systems.
Phase 4: Construction Documents
We develop technical documents for construction.
Phase 5: Construction Administration
We work with contractors to fulfill the vision.
Phase 6: Celebrate
You experience your breathtaking space for the first time.
Phase 1: Predesign
Phase 1: Predesign
We want to know how you got to this point. What is your personal story? What is the story of your organization? Why is this project important right now? The more we know about you, the more tailored your building will be.
The building we design together needs to serve your goals. What do you want this building to accomplish? What does success ultimately look like? We do our best work when we are aiming for a specific outcome.
Phase 2: Schematic Design
Phase 2: Schematic Design
We seek to understand and uncover distinct patterns of human activity behind every project. Through the rigorous process of pattern writing, we break the larger design project up into a series of smaller issues. Solving the myriad of minor design problems helps to ensure that the design gestures are fully and completely vested.
Once patterns have been established and the design is underway, we meet on a regular basis with clients to incorporate their continued feedback into the design. This truly collaborative effort ensures that the finished building is precisely tuned to each unique client.
Phase 3: Design Development
Phase 3: Design Development
Time is dedicated to further develop the project which includes, but is not limited, to integrating structural engineering and preliminary mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems. This critical step helps ensure the necessary systems will work in unison with the building design.
Working within a targeted budget is important for us as well as our clients. To achieve this goal, we work closely with the selected contractor to develop preliminary cost estimates and to align the design with the overall budget.
Phase 4: Construction Documents
Phase 4: Construction Documents
Once the design phases are complete, our team devotes time towards drafting technical documents. Every project is unique. It is important for us to spend the time to work through the details, starting from the overall floor plans and elevations down to the fine details of how materials join. This time-intensive process results in a comprehensive construction document to be shared with the contractor.
Phase 5: Construction Administration
Phase 5: Construction Administration
The final step is to translate the drawings into a physical building. A key component to the process is to maintain dialogue with the selected contractor, answer questions, and provide clarification during construction. Periodic site visits are conducted at project milestones to gauge that the construction aligns with the technical documentations. All steps taken during the construction phase allows us to keep our eyes in the field to ensure what is built reflects what was envisioned.
Phase 6: Celebrate
Phase 6: Celebrate
The process of designing and building is no small feat. When you first walk into your space, the emotion of “I love it. I couldn’t describe it, but you nailed it” hits you. This feeling, this milestone, deserves to be celebrated. We take time to express our gratitude for allowing us to guide you and walk beside you on your journey.