Our Team

People behind the idea

Joe Galbraith

Partner, AIA
  • Has the “smartest” looking glasses
  • Likes breakfast for lunch
  • Professional email writer & phone caller

Nick Carnahan

Partner, AIA
  • Can’t remember his computer passwords
  • Intentionally puts himself in life-threatening situations for “vacation”
  • His best friend is covered with fur and likes to chase sticks

John Annis

Project Manager
  • Involuntarily given the nickname J.P.
  • Very tall
  • Most likely to appear in a GQ ad

Brandon Reinke

Architect, AIA
  • Heartiest office laugh
  • Silent but steady
  • Drives the sweetest car

Andrew Gutierrez

  • Enjoys cycling (even in the rain)
  • Loves Milwaukee’s beer gardens
  • Has a board game collection

Laura Dykstra

Office Manager
  • Can’t live without lip balm
  • Has two daughters; one named after an author and the other is named after a musician
  • Enjoys live music

Matt Nejdl

  • Drives an Antique Truck (That’s He’s Always Repairing)
  • Marched in the 2016 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
  • Denim Enthusiast

Nhia Lee

  • Consistently smiles when arriving at work each day.
  • First GCA staff member to star in a music video (appearance at 1:27)
  • Fluent Hmong speaker!

Jordan Donald

  • Not Donald Jordan!
  • Drinks water out of a fancy flip top glass bottle.
  • Once turned a shipping container into a classroom.

Elise Osweiler

  • Wears a different pair of earrings everyday
  • Extroverted Introvert
  • Won a woman’s achievement award for community engagement with playground design

Greg Schumacher

Sr. Architect, AIA
  • Has a wood shop with a hidden passage through a bookcase in his living room
  • Likes to bicycle to beer gardens in the summer
  • Used to be fun


  • Has a twin sister
  • Obsessed with running (the farther the better)
  • Harry Potter trivia master


Marketing Specialist
  • Craft beer connoisseur
  • Most likely to ask to pet your dog
  • Enjoys indoor bouldering

Mr. Coffee

Coffee Maker
  • Shortest employee
  • Complains he’s always hot
  • Scared of lighting storms
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